Thursday, January 31, 2013

Third Quarter CC#2: 'Women Don't Paint Very Well.'

Spiegel Online interviews Georg Baselitz, an egotistical male artist, and he states the quote of the moment, "Women don't paint very well." Spiegel writes an article revolving around this, noticing the worst pieces of this mysogenstic man.This may be the reason and purpose for this article.

Baselitz blantly states, "Women don’t paint very well. It’s a fact." Just the sexism is so strong in this and it makes me want to puke. I do not understand how the gender has anything to do with the artistic abitlity. Maybe one day, this man will realize his wrong doings and apoligize. Yeah, that is a thought.

Spiegel, an online interviewer, wonders, "Maybe this whole interview is a desperate ploy to revive the tail end of an unfulfilling art career? Nevertheless, it puts a pit in our stomachs when a museum-level artist can make such offensive statements and the whole trainwreck is simply referred to as "unfortunate commentary."." This is the part where Georg realizes his mistake. Maybe he just wanted to baffle the world and readers. We may never know. This man is, however, a very mean man that I would like to call mean words. Unfulfilling, a word that we are using to describe this man's career. Maybe that is why he is saying that women do not paint very well.

Spiegel types, "In an wildly insulting interview with the online German publication, the artist "smiles mischievously" while unloading shockingly curmudgeonly cranky sexist statements." Sexist is a word that even Spiegel uses to describe the infamous Georg. Saying something that he wanted you to know that he was thinking, I would say this is some "voice" being added by Spiegel. You can really tell that he is saying his mind, even if he crosses it out.

A connection to my friend, Sarah Rudd. She is the best painter I have ever seen. She is also a female. If Georg believes that "women simply don’t pass the test," he has obviously never seen Sarah work. When you watch her paint, it is like a magical trance in the way that she moves her hands with the brush. Every stroke makes it look closer and closer to being nearly perfect. You just can not say that this woman can not paint very well. Painting is her life, art in general is her life.

The type of writing used in this article is insane. I love that Spiegel wrote this article, it gave me room to vent, something I needed to do. All of the different offensive statements that this guy uses is just flabberghasting. Really, he thinks he can get by with these harst statements? I am ready to show him why they say, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

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