In The New York Times's magazine Upfront, the article "Trying Times," Patricia Smith is arguing the hard-to-swallow fact that jobs are getting more scarce by the day. College is not only getting more expensive with each passing day, but jobs after and during college are getting harder to catch. Now, when money is needed by so many, we can not find it.
Kacey Herring, a 21-year-old college student, says, "The end goal is to work in entertainment marketing, but at this time, in this economy, I just need a job." She needs a job, so obviously she is having quite a hard time finding one, reinforcing the fact that gaining a job is scarce and harder to accomplish. These "trying times" are forcing some to take drastic measures and most will probably end up abandoning their hopes and dreams just to be able to pay for neccesities.
Carl Van Horn, a labor economist at Rutgers, adds to my delima by stating, " Today's young people are very foucused on trying to work hard and to get ahead, I don't think this is a generation of slackers." It is being bluntly said that working hard to get a job just is not cutting it. Generation Y is not made up of slackers, but people with depleted resources. This hard truth is something that is not helping anyone.
Barak Obama himself had trouble paying his debts. He told us about it when he said, "Michelle I know had at least $60,000. I had at least $60,000. So when we got together we had a lot of loans to pay. In fact, we did not finish paying them off until probably we'd been married for at least eight years, maybe nine." Wow. Even our president that is now in his second-term has had trouble with paying off school-loans. Who would have guessed that? It is hard to think of him anything less than a celebrity, yet it is now obvious that he is just as normal as you and I.
I can actually make a connection of this article to myself. I have been worried about college and how I will pay it for quite a bit now. Just making money is hard for me. Getting a job has been so hard for my brother and my best friend. Just being able to pay for gas is hard. It is really insane how someone can have better luck being eligible for disability than actually being able to get a job.
Noticing the current things in the working world taking place, I have a feeling there will be troubling times in the kingdom of GenerationY. Seriously, this is really sad.